Friday, November 19, 2010

No Clue

A few months ago we were able to go see the opening of a movie. It was happenstance. Through the blog world of poetry, I had become facebook friends and twitter friends with a young poet in Bellingham. Little did I know he was shooting a film. When he announced the showing close by, we went.

As we were finding a place to sit, we saw the brother and sister in law of a long time friend. We made small talk until I spied the young poet. I recognized him because of his gravatar. I went over to meet him and his parents. I told them they must be proud - to which they agreed - and asked if he would come over to my little group.

I introduced the poet / movie maker to our friend's family, thinking they would be honored. They were so anxious about finding a seat they couldn't be bothered. They missed the best part of the entire evening. It would have enhanced the movie without 3-D glasses. And it was a free opportunity. The saddest thing? They don't have a clue what they missed.

Anxiety robs. Worry wastes moments. Both put blinders on my noticer. I don't have a clue how many wonders I've missed, myself.

Lord, let me see and be anxious for nothing ~ simultaneously.


Maureen said...

And so may we all. . . see.

Laura said...

Oh, I've been there too, Kathleen. Praying with you on this one. Wishing full moments for the future.

A Simple Country Girl said...

Seeing with hearts... always keep at it.

Kathleen, your last two posts were great. Regarding clothes on the line in the PNW, I hung ours out, even near the coast. The smell of rain and sun is intoxicating.

And all that horse tack--we were in a building filled with such leather two days ago. Both of these things make me yearn for a time way before I was born, but a time I think would have fit me like a glove.
