Monday, March 8, 2010


Bracing wind 
strong enough to infuse 
courage and resolve

 citrus wind 
sour enough to cleanse 
dormant corrosion 

biting wind bares
 its fangs
to rip easily
ropes holding
dreams down

scouring wind 
abrasive enough
to bring back lustre 
where dullness choked
the shine

First morning in Westport. The beach, the sky, the clouds and the wind were magnificent this morning. The beach sand was rolling fast enough to make me dizzy. Miniature dunes were being created as I walked. 4 more glorious days. Sunshine down. Bless me indeed. Enlarge my borders. Keep your hand on me. 


Maureen said...

I didn't think you'd be posting, so it's a delight to find this here for my afternoon catch-up.

whistling wind
reminder enough
your heart's voice
catches best
love's song

Anonymous said...

morning wind
wild enough to
send sand rolling
senses reeling
dizzy making
at break neck

L.L. Barkat said...

"citrus wind"

what a marvelous thought :)

Glynn said...

Summer wind, to
remind us of youth and
sunshine and first
love and sand sticking to
the suntan lotion on
shining backs.

Bree said...

strike me with some scouring wind!

S. Etole said...

balmy wind carrying the balm of Gilead ...

Kathleen Overby said...

Susan, I love Balm of Gilead. The poem comments are very fun Glynn, Nancy and Maureen. Be careful what you ask for Bree. :) Thanks Laura - soon we'll face to face.