Thursday, June 4, 2009


A big splurge this year was a big metal cherry red watering can.  As far back as my memories go, water has been one of the most important things in my life.  I really like to play with and in water.  Hoses work great, but a garden girl needs a proper watering can.  It completes the picture.  

For my garden, I could hook up a sprinkler and let it methodically do it's job, which occasionally happens, but most often I use the hose or my lovely new watering can.  It's not about getting things watered in a dutiful, useful way.  It's about getting newly acquainted each morning with my plants and their surroundings.

It's more like having the luxurious time to notice each leaf, flower, brown spot, dry patch, slugs, bugs, mildew and fungus.  While I stand still with the hose on 'gentle shower', the garden beds are outlined in 3-D.  I'm close, noticing the beauty in the details, asking what they need, how are they doing and providing it.  Plants like being handled, picked, shook, talked to, admired - they must, for they sort of straighten up proudly and put on their best display.  

While I'm quietly sprinkling, I'm also straightening and sorting out my thoughts.  Cleaning, processing, dreaming and planning.  Also having this comfortable companionship with my Maker.  Most the time, there's just this simple togetherness - nothing profound or complex. Kind of like taking a garden walk with a friend holding hands and loosening them only to bend over to point out and share something magical.  

This morning was sweet like fresh honey in the comb......   a huge, graceful bright yellow butterfly kept me company, swirling, dipping, almost caressing my shoulder and always keeping within my field of vision.  For about one hour!  

It wasn't until I came inside that I realized what a gift had been given me as I watered. This is gratefully expressing it outloud ..... Thanks my Love, I needed that!  


Anonymous said...

On her farm in Enumclaw, Grandma Bessie planted flowers in her beds surrounding her little country house. She had watering cans to spare & ALWAYS let Debbie and I water her flowers. She ALWAYS let us pick her flowers (there was never an 'OK - but not that this one or that one...)to create little bouquets in her home. A sweet memory of mine.

Chloe & Sophie spent the night with us recently and, while I was doing some yardwork, I found them each a watering can. They at least an hour watering my flowers! Watching their delight was delightful!

I'm loving your blog. You put into words much of what is in my heart & mind. Thank you!

Kathleen Overby said...

What a heritage you're keeping intact, Sue. I can picture the girls.....