Wednesday, July 29, 2009

God Breathes

I asked Wendy O'Neil if I could post her lovely poem. She graciously said yes. When she read it last week at Kindlingsfest during the Bag End Cafe, she read it poignantly in an Irish accent.
I hardly breathed during the reading. It really caught me and held me. Here it is:

God Breathes
by Wendy O'Neil (used by permission) July 23, 2009

God breathes
Earth quakes, water lakes, man wakes,
woman's breath takes

God breathes
Wind blows, seeds sow, flowers grow,
branches bow

God breathes
Water falls, birds call, hills roll
horses foal

God breathes
Tides raise, trees praise, sheep graze,
clouds haze

God breathes
Fog lifts, wood drifts under the sun's kiss
peace - God's gift

God breathes
Souls thirst, death first, Mark 16 the 6th verse,
love bursts

God breathes
My heart leaps, my mouth sings, my eyes see,
grace rains through eternity,

God breathes
His presence near, my ears hear,
my eyes tear, there is no fear

God breathes
Faith expands, angels dance, the heavens stand
we're held in His hand.

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